Thank you for downloading The Success Code! I hope you enjoy it. If you downloaded the freebie inside, it’s on its way to your inbox right now. In the meantime, I have something special for you.

How to Finally Achieve Your Most Ambitious Goals

​How many times have you tackled a new goal…

…only to run out steam, lose focus, and eventually give up?

It happens to all of us, and it’s a real shame. We end up spinning our wheels, beating ourselves up, and getting no closer to attaining our biggest, most important dreams.

Even worse, we may start to believe that maybe we just don’t have the grit and determination we need to really achieve our biggest desires.

But that’s just not true.

The real problem isn’t you or your grit. The problem is goal-setting advice that sets you up to fail.

I’m willing to bet that you’ve followed lots of the popular advice around goal-setting… only to be disappointed.

Turns out, a perfectly constructed S.M.A.R.T. goal won’t bring you any closer to your dreams.

Tracking your progress doesn’t ensure you won’t fall off the wagon tomorrow. And all the visualization in the world won’t guarantee your results.

So if you’ve been following that advice without getting consistent results…it’s not your fault.

The popular advice tells you *how* to set a goal, but not whether you *should* set a goal. Or it may focus on vision boards and not enough on action steps. Or it teaches you to track your progress, but not how to course-correct when you suffer a setback.
No wonder you haven’t been able to solve the puzzle of setting goals and maintaining momentum over the long term. You haven’t been given all the pieces.

What you need is a whole-person, whole-life approach that helps you set the right goals for you, stay motivated, and realize your dreams faster than you imagined possible.

The Power of A Complete System

I know first-hand the powerful difference a complete approach to goal-setting can make.

Hi! I’m Louis Vendetti.

In 2018, I set out to write my memoir, My Disability Doesn’t Define Me, about my time through school with my physical disability. Writing a book isn’t an easy task. Writing the book is the hardest part. Keeping the momentum on days when it’s tough to write. Getting back the edits from your editor and seeing all of the red marks over your book baby like you were in high school English class again.

When that happened, I had to step back and look at my goal: I wanted to write a book. I knew that my message was powerful. I knew it was something that people had to hear.

The biggest part of this is that I had a goal. I broke that “bigger picture” goal into tinier bite-sized action steps, and then I completed those.

A Science-Backed System for Achieving Your Biggest Dreams

For decades, psychologists have been researching the science of motivation, uncovering the mindsets, habits, and beliefs that allow some people to knock out big goal after big goal, while others
stay stuck in place.

I’m sure you’ve heard some of the science:

  • The more specific the goal, the greater the odds of success.
  • People who write down their goals are 50% more likely to achieve them.
  • People who publicly commit to their goals are 18% more likely to succeed.
    This science has given rise to a lot of the tactics you’re familiar with — things like writing out

S.M.A.R.T. goals, sharing your goals with a friend, or visualizing your future success.

At this point, we know a lot about what the most successful people do to get motivated, stay focused, and achieve their goals.

So why do so many of us still struggle?

Get the Final Pieces of the Puzzle and Become a Goal-Achieving Superhero

The fact is that none of these tactics operates in a vacuum. Successful people don’t just do one or two things to achieve their goals; they do dozens of things.

Consciously or not, they implement an entire system that supports them as they pursue their dreams.

In fact, at one point or another, you’ve probably done the same. It may have been accidental—but if you think back to the times you’ve achieved a big goal, you’ll likely realize that you took a multipronged approach to your goal–an approach that gave you everything you needed to succeed.

Once you know the full step-by-step process behind setting powerful goals and maintaining unstoppable momentum, you can execute it for each and every goal you set.

And that will turn you into a goal-achieving superhero.

That’s why I’m excited to offer you a short, targeted course that will teach you how to consistently set and achieve your most important goals.


Go For Your Goals: How to Find (and Achieve) The Goals That Really Matter to You

In this course, you’ll discover the FULL step-by-step process to achieve your biggest dreams. You’ll learn exactly what actions you need to take to set yourself up for success; how to choose goals that you’re passionately committed to achieving; and how to create the unwavering focus, momentum, and resilience you’ll need to cross the finish line.

With Go For Your Goals, you’ll discover:

  • The 5 keys to setting powerful goals that activate your built-in motivation, so you don’t need to rely on willpower
  • How to shake off other people’s expectations and set the goals that are most meaningful for YOU
  • How to find the fuel to create lasting changes, so you never lose focus on your goals
  • How to reverse-engineer your goals, so you know the exact steps you’ll take to create your dream life
  • How to keep your “motivation muscle” in top shape, so you follow through on your biggest priorities
  • How to use 90-day milestones to stay on target, so you’ll reach your goal on the timeline you’ve set
  • How to turn giant goals into an achievable action plan, so you know where to start and you won’t get overwhelmed
  • 2 proven techniques for tracking your progress that’ll make you excited to keep moving forward
  • The weekly ritual that keeps important goals from slipping off your radar
  • 7 tactics to ensure that you stick to and achieve your goals
  • The 5 obstacles that derail goals—and how to overcome them all

When you join Go For Your Goals: How to Find (and Achieve) The Goals That Really Matter to You, you get more than a list of ideas, tactics, and strategies. You get a step-by-step PROVEN process for making your dreams a reality.

What You’ll Get

Go For Your Goals: How to Find (and Achieve) The Goals That Really Matter to You includes a combination of science-based instruction and hands-on activities.

This course is self-paced, so you will be able to go through it at a speed that works best for you, your business, and your brain.

We’ll cover:

Lesson 1: From Dreams to Goals

Goals are your tools for creating a happy, healthy, fulfilling life. In this lesson, you’ll create a rich vision of your future and learn the 5 keys to realizing your dreams.

Lesson 2 – Make Your Goals Real

Learn the secrets to setting juicy goals that spark your passion, motivate you to action, and dial your commitment up to 11.

Lesson 3 – Supercharge Your Progress

Learn how to track your progress and discover the secret weapon for maintaining an unwavering focus on your goals.

Lesson 4 – The Secrets of Goal Achievement

Discover 7 ways to stay the course and avoid the pitfalls that derail goals.

Lesson 5: Where Do You Go From Here?

Start your transformative journey with a full toolkit of strategies to keep you on track and moving forward.

Each lesson contains targeted activities to help you apply the concepts to your own life and take immediate action on realizing your dreams.

As you go through this course at your own pace, you will have the support of your fellow classmates in a special group created specifically for this course. You will have access to the questions at the end of the module, so you can answer those, but the group will also serve as a place in which you can cheer each other on as you achieve your goals.

The course contains everything you need to know—and nothing you don’t. You learn the key concepts and strategies for success… and you’ll leave with a solid plan of action for creating the life you’ve always dreamed of.

Don’t Let This Opportunity Pass You By

Take a moment to think about where you want to be in 10 years. You might envision yourself debt free, working in your ideal (and highly paid) career, publishing a book, traveling the world, being slim, fit, and active, living in the home of your dreams, or enjoying an early retirement or the security of a healthy nest egg.

Really visualize what that future looks and feels like. I’ll wait. 🙂

Got it? Now, answer this question honestly:

If you continue as you are today, are you on track to live that future life?

If not, then NOW is the time to change that.

Don’t spend another minute wishing for change or dreaming of a future that may never arrive.

Join Go For Your Goals today, and give yourself the process and tools you need to make your dreams come true.

You can join today for just $97 $27!

That gives you access to every lesson, all the implementation exercises, as well as the course-specific group.

And you’ll have permanent access to the course content, so you can return to this material every time you set a big goal.

It’s not too late to create the life you’ve always desired. Join Go For Your Goals today to learn the step-by-step process for realizing your wildest dreams!

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