Let’s look at some common challenges that may come up as you begin setting — and achieving! — your goals. These are obstacles and roadblocks that you want to watch out for on the road to success.

Obstacle 1: “I Feel Unmotivated”

If you are feeling unmotivated, that’s a sign that you may need to reconnect to your deeper purpose. Grab your copy of the “20 reasons why” worksheet, and review the many reasons why you said you MUST achieve your goal. You can also take a few minutes to journal or visualize what it will look and feel like for you to achieve your goal. As you do so, focus on connecting deeply with your reasons and desires, and let them rekindle your motivation.

Obstacle 2: “I Think I Want To Change My Goal”

There are two reasons you might feel that your goal needs to change: feeling overwhelmed or feeling unmotivated.

Give yourself a little time and space to reflect. Consider this question: Is there a logical reason why I need to change my goal — or is this an emotional response?

If there’s a strong reason why you need to change your goal, then go for it — these are your goals and your life. But be honest with yourself: are you sure that changing your goal isn’t a way to avoid the challenge or discomfort of moving forward?

Obstacle 3: “I Think It Will Take Me More Time To Achieve This”

Here you can see the value of splitting long-term goals into short-term, 90-Day goals.

If you don’t achieve your short-term goal in the 90-day window, then just commit to it for another 90-day cycle. It doesn’t matter how long it takes you to get to your goal, it only matters that you get there in the end — and that you learn and grow along the way.

Obstacle 4: “I Am Stuck On How To Achieve My Goal”

There are a few things you can do when you’re feeling stuck on how to move forward:

  • Find and talk to someone who has achieved a similar goal already. Ask them for their best tips, strategies, and advice.
  • Ask friends and family for encouragement.
  • Give yourself a break and relax, then allow your intuition to bring the answers to you.
  • Try a “Brainstorm 100.” Take out a sheet of paper and try to write down 100 ways to solve this goal. Some ways you think of might be good — some might be crazy. But eventually, you will find directions you haven’t thought of before, and open your mind to new solutions.
  • Hire a coach or consultant to help you work through the process.

Obstacle 5: “I Am Feeling Overwhelmed”

First, step back and consider if you’re really overwhelmed, or just tired. Sometimes, we all just need to take a break and recharge our batteries. What does that look like for you? Is it taking a break from working on your goal for a few days — or perhaps just enjoying a long walk in nature to clear your head?

If you are starting to feel overwhelmed with everything you need to do, or how much progress you need to make towards your goals, consider these steps:

  • Break your goal down into even smaller milestones, and focus only on getting to the next milestone.
  • Write down everything that’s overwhelming you and prioritize the next three things you need to do. Once you are done with the first 3 things, decide what you want to work on next and focus just on those immediate next steps. Write down anything else that’s on your mind on a “to review later” list so it’s not distracting you from your immediate focus.
  • Get some help from a coach, accountability buddy, or peer community.
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