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Go For Your Goals: How to Find (and Achieve) The Goals That Really Matter to You
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Welcome and Orientation
How to navigate your course (GFYG) -
Introduce Yourself! (GFYG)
Module 1 -- From Dreams to GoalsOverview: A goal is a dream… with a plan!
5 keys to goal setting
Exercise: It’s time to reverse engineer your future
Discussion: Share your vision
Exercise: Your “Level 10” life
Review: What did you learn?
Review: Recap and looking forward (GFYS Module 1)
Module 2 -- Make Your Goals RealOverview: It’s time to make your goals real
Exercise: Identify your top goals
Exercise: Refining your goals
Exercise: Get clear on your “why”
Discussion: Share your “why”
Count the cost
Exercise: Break long-term goals into short-term ones
Module 3 -- Supercharge Your ProgressOverview: How to supercharge progress toward your goals
Exercise: Break big goals into milestones
Process vs. outcome goals
Exercise: Measuring progress towards your goals
Review: Reviewing progress towards your goals
Module 4 -- The Secrets of Goal AchievementOverview: Breaking down the secrets of top goal achievers
7 secrets to achieving your goals
Your biggest goal-setting obstacles
Discussion: Preparing to face your obstacles
Module 5 -- Where Do You Go From Here?Review: Recap of what you've learned
Celebrate success!
Looking Forward (GFYG)
Lesson 8 of 28
In Progress
Review: What did you learn?
When you are ready, come over to the comments section, and tell us:
- What did you learn from reflecting on your Level 10 life?
- Are there any areas of your Level 10 vision that you’re excited to share?