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Go For Your Goals: How to Find (and Achieve) The Goals That Really Matter to You
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Welcome and Orientation
How to navigate your course (GFYG) -
Introduce Yourself! (GFYG)
Module 1 -- From Dreams to GoalsOverview: A goal is a dream… with a plan!
5 keys to goal setting
Exercise: It’s time to reverse engineer your future
Discussion: Share your vision
Exercise: Your “Level 10” life
Review: What did you learn?
Review: Recap and looking forward (GFYS Module 1)
Module 2 -- Make Your Goals RealOverview: It’s time to make your goals real
Exercise: Identify your top goals
Exercise: Refining your goals
Exercise: Get clear on your “why”
Discussion: Share your “why”
Count the cost
Exercise: Break long-term goals into short-term ones
Module 3 -- Supercharge Your ProgressOverview: How to supercharge progress toward your goals
Exercise: Break big goals into milestones
Process vs. outcome goals
Exercise: Measuring progress towards your goals
Review: Reviewing progress towards your goals
Module 4 -- The Secrets of Goal AchievementOverview: Breaking down the secrets of top goal achievers
7 secrets to achieving your goals
Your biggest goal-setting obstacles
Discussion: Preparing to face your obstacles
Module 5 -- Where Do You Go From Here?Review: Recap of what you've learned
Celebrate success!
Looking Forward (GFYG)
Lesson 27 of 28
In Progress
Celebrate success!
There’s much hard work to come — the daily discipline of working toward your milestones, your short-term goals, and your ultimate long-term vision.
As you proceed — checking off milestones, and then seeing goals you once thought were impossible really happen — it’s important to celebrate your success.
Take some time to celebrate your progress in a way that feels meaningful to you.
Then, once you are done celebrating, you might want to take some reflective time.
Consider journaling your answers to the following questions as you pursue your goals:
- What worked as I pursued this goal?
- What didn’t work?
- What would I like to do differently next time?
- What did I learn about myself during this process?
- What’s next?